The other parts can be found here:
Part 1: A - E
Part 2: F - L
Part 3: M - P
Part 4: Q - Z
UV Texture Co-ordinates
The co-ordinate system used for assigning textures. UV co-ordinates space is 2D, thus a projection method must be used to “unwrap” the UV’s from the model and then lay them on a flat plane. This plane can then be copied into a paint package to manipulate to finally add the model texture.
The region of the 3D scene that is displayed to the artist. For example, from the top.
Volumetric lights are lights which can be view in the 3D space rather than on a flat surface. Just like that, volumetric textures are textures applied throughout a volume space rather than a surface.

The process of determining which bone in a skeleton affects which part of the models surface. In a lot of cases, the influence is simply painted on the model.
A shading method in which lines are displayed to represent the models form.

The distance a point or surface lies in the scene. Z-depth is used to calculate where a light casts shadows and also which surfaces are actually visible.
If you know every single one of these terms, you are amazing! If you learnt new terms great! If you learnt so much and you are so pumped about these articles and you are going to tell all your friends to visit this website, best of all!
Let me just say, don’t feel like you should know all of this off by heart, as long as you have a basic idea of most of them you will do fine!
Thank you for reading, and as I promised, here is a downloadable PDF file of everything in the past 5 articles, for future references.
Note: Please excuse the messiness. The converter did a pretty bad job in converting the pages. At least the information is there right?
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